Wardrobe Savvy

Anne Ferris is the entrepreneur behind Wardrobe Savvy, a wardrobe consultancy business. I designed the branding for her company and was commissioned to illustrate a few vignettes for her business website.


Wardrobe Savvy branding

The Wardrobe Savvy website designer hired me to refine and add an illustration to the business’s branding. I chose a simple color palette then added a mix of Avant Garde typography and a hint of a savvy dressed woman on the go. I gave her three outfits so the client could swap them out to showcase the versatility of her wardrobe design consultancy.


Wardrobe Savvy website illustrations

I was commissioned to create 3 illustrations to be featured on the SERVICES page of the Wardrobe Savvy’s website. These began as pencil drawings then were scanned and colored digitally.


Pacific Market International


Lots of Clients' logo designs